> 春节2024 > 大年初一能去大连吗英语





中国通an expert of China;an old China hand大连通an expert of Dalianan old Dalian hand


welcome to Dalian




DalianDalian was the place where I lived and studied. My undergraduate course was passed there. Dalian has a special place in my heart as it holds many memories of my hometown. Growing up in Dalian has shaped my character and influenced my perspective on life. The unique culture and beautiful scenery of Dalian have always been a source of inspiration for me. I am proud to call Dalian my hometown.


1. July 5th Monday cloudyToday I came back from a place named \"Dalian\", it’s a good place. There are so many tourist attractions in Dalian, such as Xinghai Square, Tiger Beach, and Bangchuidao Scenic Area. The stunning natural beauty of Dalian left me in awe. I also had the chance to try some delicious seafood, which Dalian is famous for. The locals were friendly and accommodating, making my trip even more enjoyable.2. July 6th Tuesday sunnyToday I visited Dalian Discovery Kingdom, a popular amusement park. The thrilling rides and entertaining shows kept me entertained throughout the day. The park was well-maintained and the staff were helpful. I had a great time and made unforgettable memories.3. July 7th Wednesday rainyUnfortunately, it rained today, so I couldn\'t explore more outdoor attractions. Instead, I visited Dalian Modern Museum and learned about the rich history and culture of the city. The museum had informative exhibits and interactive displays, making it an educational and enjoyable experience.Overall, my trip to Dalian was fantastic. The city offers a perfect blend of natural beauty, cultural heritage, and modern attractions. I highly recommend visiting Dalian for an unforgettable travel experience.




Dalian is a major city and seaport in the south of Liaoning province, Northeast China. It faces Shandong Peninsula across the Bohai Sea and Kumgang Mountains of North Korea across the Yellow Sea. Dalian is known for its beautiful coastal scenery, pleasant climate, and vibrant city life. With a population of over 6 million, it is one of the largest cities in China.Dalian has a rich history and cultural heritage. The city was first established as a treaty port in 1898 and quickly developed into a major trade hub. Today, it is a modern metropolis with a mix of historic architecture and modern skyscrapers. The city\'s unique blend of Chinese, Russian, and Japanese influences can be seen in its diverse architecture and cuisine.In addition to its natural and cultural attractions, Dalian is also an important economic center. It is home to many multinational corporations and has a thriving manufacturing and services industry. The city\'s strategic location and well-developed infrastructure make it an ideal place for business and investment.Overall, Dalian offers a perfect combination of natural beauty, cultural diversity, and economic opportunities. Whether you are a tourist looking for a memorable travel experience or an entrepreneur seeking business opportunities, Dalian has something to offer for everyone.


What\'s your purpose of coming to Beijing this time? Is it for travel or work? Did you have a great time in Dalian? The city is known for its charm and hospitality, and I hope you enjoyed your stay there.


We take a train to Dalian.


1. I think Dalian is a good place to live. The city offers a high quality of life with its clean environment, convenient transportation, and excellent public services. Dalian is known for its well-planned urban development and safety, making it an ideal place for families and individuals to settle down.2. In fact, everyone on the stage will be a little shy. It\'s natural to feel nervous when performing in front of a large audience. However, with practice and experience, one can overcome this shyness and become more confident on stage. Dalian has a vibrant performing arts scene and offers many opportunities for people to showcase their talents and overcome stage fright.3. Two days in Dalian is definitely not enough to explore all the attractions and experiences the city has to offer. It is a city with rich cultural heritage, stunning natural landscapes, and modern amenities. To fully appreciate and enjoy Dalian, I recommend staying for at least a week to visit popular tourist spots, try local cuisine, and immerse yourself in the local culture.